Spotify: Have you heard of it? You probably have, either by word of mouth or through some forums. You may not be aware of the following information. You can download the program to your computer or mobile and stream your favorite music without paying any money. It's even legal! What's the catch? It is impossible to keep the music playing and there are advertisements at specific times. They need to make money and it can be annoying when the adverts start.
It doesn't negate the fact that it was a great idea. Search for any artist or album you like and you can play it immediately without downloading. You also have access to your favorite songs with your account. This is a great way to save money and avoid having to swap CDs every hour. spotify monatliche hörer
Another thing I love is the ability to search within a specific decade to find all tracks from that decade. I.e. 80's would include bands such as Bon Jovi or Bryan Adams. It was surprising how many artists were available for me to search. This is great if you don't plan to purchase the album, as you can either listen to the music before you buy it or simply enjoy the music in your home and save money.
It seems that they are constantly updating it with new features, such as recommended music and artists based on the genres you listen to. This is a bit annoying as you can't mute the sound or adjust the volume. The advert will stop when the sound is resumed. Let's hope that TV stations don’t do this in the future. Connect it to speakers and you can start streaming Spotify music. monatliche hörer spotify