Heard of Spotify? You probably have, either by word of mouth or through some forum.
For those of you not yet in the know... It is a downloadable program for your PC or even mobile whereby you can stream your favourite music for no money what-so-ever, it is even legal!
Well whats the catch i hear? You cannot keep the music and it has advertisements at certain intervals.
They have to make there money somehow and it can be a little annoying when you are in the flow then an advert kicks in.
It doesn't negate the fact that it was a great idea. Search for any artist or album you like and you can play it immediately, without having to download. You can also store your favorite songs with your account. Auditeur mensuel Spotify
This is a great way to save money on music, especially if you like to listen to it in your own home.
Another thing I love is the ability to search within a specific decade to find all tracks from that decade. i.e 80's would be bands like Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams etc.
I was surprised by the depth of search for each artist, as most of there albums are available to listen too. This is also good if you do intend to buy the album as you can listen to it before hand or just simply listen to in the house and keep your money.
It seems like they are constantly updating it with new features, such as recommended music and artists based on the genres you listen to.
One slightly annoying this is that during an advert you cannot mute or turn the sound down too much as the advert stops until the sound is resumed therefore kind of making you listen to the advert, let's hope TV channels do not do this in future! this website
So link it up to some speakers and start playing your music with Spotify.