The Serenity Prayer Principles — Finding Serenity in a Simple Prayer

The Serenity Prayer Principles — Finding Serenity in a Simple Prayer

Have you ever thought that the struggles you face that you face in life could be exactly what could lead you to peace? I am talking about peace of mind where your mind is clear, calm and at ease. It’s the kind of peace that you can enjoy even in the middle of a storm. While there’s a lot of turbulence in the water, nothing can disrupt the tranquility of the depths. It’s the tranquility we yearn for. alien registration number But, how often do we give it up! We are soaked by massive rains. We become deafened by violent waves. We are shaken by fierce winds.

What is it that keeps peace at bay? It’s not the problems we face as much as it is our resistance to them. There are aspects of life that we can’t change, no regardless of our efforts. If we refuse to accept this reality the more angry and angry we get. Then we lose our peace.

The prayer is well-known that has reassured many known as the Serenity Prayer. Many are acquainted with only the first part that is the prayer’s first line: God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the confidence to make changes to the things I can; and the wisdom to discern the distinction. It is the second half of the prayer that gives us some guidance on how to receive the serenity that God desires to grant us. It goes on to say living every day in a single day; Enjoying one moment at a moment; accepting challenges as the way to peace; Taking the world as Jesus did the world of sin as it is, not as I would like it: Trusting that He will make all things right when I submit to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this world and utterly satisfied with Him for the rest of my life. the future. Amen.

There are several ways to achieve peace as described by this prayer. The first step is to realize that peace comes from living in the present moment. This is where happiness exists. If we can begin to enjoy and appreciating the here and now we will learn to be more satisfied. Secondly, if we want serenity in our lives we need to stop resisting and begin accepting what we can’t be in control of. Acceptance is when we realize that it is not possible for us to alter certain aspects of our lives, but only He can. The third step is to submit in faith to God who is all-powerful. In surrendering, we basically say Lord, may Your will be done-Your will, not mine. Finally, living one day at a time in total surrender and acceptance demands that we put our trust to the Lord. full serenity prayer We can be confident that He will work everything out for us. We can be sure that He will give us the courage to change the things in our control. We can trust Him to provide wisdom and direction. We can know that as we trust Him , we can live a happy life now and a wonderful future in heaven to look forward to.

If the world around you is shaken when you are confronted with a storm or storm you cannot avoid, keep in mind that you’ve got an anchor of absolute security and peace. Through surrender, acceptance and faith with the Lord you are able to weather any storm that threatens to batter you down or drown you. It is possible to experience peace that exceeds anything you can understand and protects your heart and mind. It can start with a simple prayer for tranquility.

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